Rewriting Calculational Logic

using Metatheory

Theory of Calculational Logic The axioms of calculational propositional logic C are listed in the order in which they are usually presented and taught. Note that equivalence comes first. Note also that, after the first axiom, we take advantage of associativity of equivalence and write sequences of equivalences without parentheses. We use == for equivalence, | for disjunction, & for conjunction,

Golden rule: p & q == p == q == p | q

Implication: p ⟹ q == p | q == q Consequence: p ⟸q == q ⟹ p

Definition of false: false == !true

fold = @theory p q begin
  (p::Bool == q::Bool) => (p == q)
  (p::Bool || q::Bool) => (p || q)
  (p::Bool ⟹ q::Bool)  => ((p || q) == q)
  (p::Bool && q::Bool) => (p && q)
  !(p::Bool)           => (!p)

calc = @theory p q r begin
  ((p == q) == r) == (p == (q == r))      # Associativity of ==:
  (p == q) == (q == p)                    # Symmetry of ==:
  (q == q) --> true                       # Identity of ==:
  !(p == q) == (!(p) == q)                # Distributivity of !:
  (p != q) == !(p == q)                   # Definition of !=:
  ((p || q) || r) == (p || (q || r))      # Associativity of ||:
  (p || q) == (q || p)                    # Symmetry of ||:
  (p || p) --> p                          # Idempotency of ||:
  (p || (q == r)) == ((p || q) == (p || r))   # Distributivity of ||:
  (p || !(p)) --> true                    # Excluded Middle:
  !(p || q) == (!p && !q)                 # DeMorgan
  !(p && q) == (!p || !q)
  (p && q) == ((p == q) == (p || q))
  (p ⟹ q) == ((p || q) == q)

calculational_logic_theory = calc ∪ fold

@testset "Calculational Logic" begin
  g = EGraph(:(((!p == p) == false)))
  saturate!(g, calculational_logic_theory)
  extract!(g, astsize)

  @test @areequal calculational_logic_theory true ((!p == p) == false)
  @test @areequal calculational_logic_theory true ((!p == !p) == true)
  @test @areequal calculational_logic_theory true ((!p || !p) == !p) (!p || p) !(!p && p)
  @test @areequal calculational_logic_theory true ((p ⟹ (p || p)) == true)
  params = SaturationParams(timeout = 12, eclasslimit = 10000, schedulerparams = (1000, 5))

  @test areequal(calculational_logic_theory, true, :(((p ⟹ (p || p)) == ((!(p) && q) ⟹ q)) == true); params = params)

Frege's theorem

  @test areequal(calculational_logic_theory, true, :((p ⟹ (q ⟹ r)) ⟹ ((p ⟹ q) ⟹ (p ⟹ r))); params = params)


  @test @areequal calculational_logic_theory true (!(p || q) == (!p && !q))

Consensus theorem

  areequal(calculational_logic_theory, :((x && y) || (!x && z) || (y && z)), :((x && y) || (!x && z)); params = params)

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